I am the last person to be up-to-date tech-savvy as my family and work staff can attest. I come from an era of over three decades ago where I used a standard typewriter and white-out to do my college assignments.

Blogging and learning how to use an iPod are the new technology additions in my life with this cancer diagnosis. My son-in-law and husband tease me saying I’ve moved from a Sony Walkman (circa 1980’s) to using the first version of an iPod (circa mid 2000’s). I think I’m doing well jumping technology decades in six short weeks!

The blog came as a result of the urgings of my 20-something kids and their mates who said it would be the best way to stay in touch with so many on the travels with cancer. I’m still resisting Facebook.

I have heard from many of you that you are enjoying reading my cancer blog. It’s my e-journal and a healthy way for me to share my story with others. Thank you for your feedback and comments.

I am learning so much from all of you in this journey of healing. Your warm words of encouragement give me something to look forward each day as I recuperate. The blog is now a positive part of my new daily routine and is something to look forward to as my former boss, breast cancer survivor, and mentor suggested would be an important part of my “new normal” life in living with cancer.

Making the Blog Interactive

Some of you have already joined the blog as followers. Some have posted comments. A lot of you have tried to become followers and want to post comments, but are having trouble completing the log-in registrations to do so.

My tech-savvy family members tell me that there is a method to become blog followers and also enables you to post comments on my blog.

Here is how you can interact with me on the Strength, Cancer, and Determination blog:

In the right margin of the blog page you will see a heading called “Followers”. If you wish to become a follower, you need to click on the word “Follow “ and that will take you to a sign-in page. If you don’t already have one, you must establish an account with one of the services listed.

To create an account, for example, with Google, click on “Create a New Google Account” for on the sign-in page.

Enter your email address, choose a password, and then re-enter the password.

“Enable Web History” will automatically be checked. This means that Google will track and store your web browsing history. If you are not comfortable with that, uncheck this box.

If you wish to enter your birthday, you can, but it’s not necessary.

Read the “Term & Conditions” and then click “I accept. Create my account”.

In order to post a comment on any of the blog entries, you must be logged in on your Google account if you wish to publish your name with the comment.

You can also comment anonymously by selecting “anonymous” from the drop down menu below the comment box.

In either case, once you enter a comment and click on “Post a Comment”. A word verification appears below the comment box. Click on the phrase “Word Verification” and another box appears. Type in the letters found above this box and then click “Post Comment”.

And that should do it. If your comment does not appear immediately, refresh the page and it should then appear.