My surgical oncologist, “Dr. Wonderful” personally called this afternoon to let me know that the biopsy results from my lumpectomy were in and the lump is benign! “Benign” is such a beautiful word to a cancer patient.

The load off my shoulders is immense. After over three weeks of waiting, worrying, and wondering if cancer returned, I must admit that the relief is indescribable. Tears, woo-hoos, hugs, and high-fives all around… My daughter Marissa says it’s the best birthday present she received today.

I will sleep well tonight.

Thanks to all of you who kept me in your thoughts and prayers. I am truly blessed to have so many people surrounding me with love in this cancer journey, or shall I say “cancer recovery.”

Each day of my life I fight to live cancer-free. I do so with strength, courage, and determination