She liked it so much she had to go back.

Mom went to the emergency room again yesterday. Two differences this time around: first, she and Dad only had to wait about an hour before they were seen; second, she was admitted into the hospital instead of being sent home.

Now, don't panic. She has a cellulitis infection in the area of her surgery (which can be dangerous, but is not unusual in post-mastectomy patients). She is receiving antibiotics and the hospital is arranging for homecare to come and clean and dress her surgery site until it is healed.

At her pathology follow-up on Wednesday, the doctor removed her surgical drain (which had been causing no end of grief and discomfort). There had been some redness afterward, but Mom and Dad were just told to keep an eye on it. By yesterday morning, it was, well, gross--oozing and painful, red and hardening. Mom was uncomfortable and felt very tired. By evening yesterday, Mom and Dad decided to have it checked out--and good thing they did! The site was drained and Mom was admitted for a day or two to be treated and observed. Hopefully she will not have to stay any longer than that.

Cellulitis can be a very nasty thing, as our family has witnessed firsthand. Luckily, it seems that Mom is responding well to the antibiotics. The pain has subsided and she is her plucky, silly, energetic self again. She is, of course, bored out of her tree, but she seems to be receiving good care. Anyway, pray that she can get some rest, that her body responds well to the meds, and that she can be home soon!