The way in which the world sees me is by my name—Sandra. My roles on the stage of life are wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor, volunteer, mentor, leader, colleague, and career professional. And now, I enter the next stage of life with a new role, that of breast cancer patient.

This blog is my way of connecting with others who want to know about this next stage of life. It’s a way to let you join me in this new stage as I enter into the drama of someone who is living with breast cancer.

The inspiration for this blog is “Strength, Courage, and Determination,” using the initials of my name as descriptors of my cancer experience. The blog is an ode to breast cancer. The daily scripts of living with cancer will pen a new chapter in my life.

I am choosing to make this journey a positive one with Strength, Courage, and Determination. There are many people traveling with me on this journey. You, as one of my readers are one of them.